This week on Movie MOndays, we’re chatting all about the trailers dropped on Disney+ Day, along with thoughts on where No Way Home could take us!
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- Waffles will be 30 years old by the end of the month, all he wants is for people to get vaccinated and to have a nice day.
- Ciara Lawler
- David Clarke
- Ed Ball
- Joe Bernie
- Róisín Schrödóisìn Hally
- Ryan Right Time Evanson
- Shaun Grow you Mo for a Bro Jamieson
- Dominic
- Jessiah Florida Gal Green
- Anna Team Irish Walrus Hjelmroos
- Lil’ Dicky The other in a southern drawl says well I reckon people dang ol call me Florida Man glad to meet ya M
- Danny McLaughlin
- Ray
- I can’t believe Wanda did this….
- Sammy DeLucia
- Michelle It’s Championship Weekend for Dr1p Browne
- A dune run run run A dune run run! Luke Hoth